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Legacy TypeScript Plugins Layer

A plugin is a component that can be added to the Legacy TypeScript SDK to extend or enhance its functionality. Plugins are meant to be built to support popular applications on the Aptos network and can be used to add new features, ease the use of the application operations and to customize the user experience.

AptosToken class

The AptosToken class is compatible with the Aptos Digital Asset Standard and provides methods for creating and querying NFT collections and tokens. It covers write methods that support creating, transferring, mutating, and burning tokens on-chain.

The main write methods supported by the AptosToken class are:

  • Create Collection
  • Mint
  • Mint Soul Bound
  • Burn Token
  • Freeze Token Transfer
  • Unfreeze Token Transfer
  • Set Token Description
  • Set Token Name
  • Set Token URI
  • Add Token Property
  • Remove Token Property
  • Update Token Property
  • Add Types Property
  • Update Types Property
  • Transfer Token Ownership

TokenClient class

The TokenClient class is compatible with the token V1 standard and provides methods for creating and querying the NFT collections and tokens. It covers (1) write methods that support creating, transferring, mutating, and burning tokens on-chain and (2) read methods performing deserialization and returning data in TypeScript objects.

The main write methods supported by the TokenClient class are:

  • Create Collection
  • Create Token
  • Offer Token
  • Claim Token
  • Directly Transfer Token
  • Transfer Token with Opt-in
  • Mutate Token Properties
  • Burn Token by Owner or Creator

The main read methods to deserialize on-chain data to TypeScript objects are:

  • Get CollectionData
  • Get TokenData
  • Get Token of an Account

FungibleAssetsClient class

The FungibleAssetsClient class is compatible with the fungible asset component and provides methods to transfer fungible assets between accounts and to check an account balance.

The main write methods are:

  • Transfer
  • Generate Transfer

The main read methods are:

  • Get Primary Balance

CoinClient class

The CoinClient class provides methods to interact with the coin module to transfer coins between accounts and to check an account balance. By default, it transfers 0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin, but you can specify a different coin type with the coinType argument.

The main methods are:

  • Transfer
  • Check Balance

FaucetClient class

The FaucetClient class is a thin wrapper for the Aptos faucet that provides a way to funds Aptos accounts. The class provides a request method to request token for an Aptos account.

The main read methods are:

  • Fund Account

ANSClient class

The ANSClient class provides methods for creating an ANS name on the Aptos network and querying ANS data. It covers (1) write methods that support creating a unique identity on the Aptos network by registering an Aptos name and (2) read methods that retrieve an account’s ANS name using its address, as well as retrieving an account’s address using its ANS name.

The main write methods supported by the SDK are:

  • Mint an Aptos Name
  • Init Reverse Lookup Registry

The main read methods are:

  • Get Address By Name
  • Get Primary Name By Address

Build a Plugin

Developers can also create plugins to extend the functionality of the SDK and to provide users with a better experience. To do that, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a new .ts file under the src/plugins/ folder and name it <pluginName>.ts (e.g. ans_client).
  2. Create a class with the same pluginName (e.g. AnsClient) and implement it.
  3. Export that file from the src/plugins/index.ts file (e.g. export * from "./ans_client";).